May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Monday, August 13, 2012

Packing For College

These lists are based off of the things I'm bringing to college and things I've thought of that may be useful.

The Basic Necessities:
- Comforter
- Pillow
- Pillow Case
- Sheets
- Bath Towel
- Wash Rag
- Dental Floss
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Hair Brush/Comb/Pick
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Soap
- Meds/First Aid - Personal, Neosporin, Rubbing Alcohol, Band-aids, Advil/Tylenol, Pepto-Bismol, Tums, Chapstick
- Detergent
- Clothing (at least a week's worth and good for the climate you are going to school in)
- Shower Shoes
- Alarm Clock!

Suggested Extras:
- Extra Blanket
- Toothbrush Holder
- Deodorant
- Razor and Blades
- Tweezers
- Nail Clippers
- Q-tips/Cottonballs
- Shower Bag/Rack
- Air Freshener
- Trash Can
- Beach Towel
- Rug
- Mug (microwavable)
- Plate (microwavable)
- Utensils
- Bowl (microwavable)
- Dishwashing Liquid
- Fabric Softener
- Laundry Basket/Bag
- Reusable Water Bottle
- Can Opener
- Microwave
- Mini Fridge
- TV/DVD Player
- Laptop Computer
- Microsoft Word
- Dish Towels
- Paper Towels
- Tissues
- White Board/Bulletin Board
- Desk Calendar
- Personal Schedule Book
- Printer
- Headphones/Earbuds
- Bathing Suit
- Curtains
- Shoe Rack/Hanger
- Drying Rack
- Umbrella/Rainboots
- Cell Phone
- Toilet Paper

School Supplies:
- Highlighters
- Sticky Notes
- Notecards
- Pencils
- Pens
- Pencil Sharpener
- Folders/Binders
- Notebook Paper
- Erasers
- Backpack

More Specific Stuff That I Am Taking:
- Contacts
- Contact Solution
- Contact Case
- Glasses/Case
- Recycling Bin
- Personal Bed Fan
- Desk Lamp
- Bottled Water
- Large Quantities of Non-Perishable Snacks
- Reusable/Microwavable Food Container
- Small Storage Container w/Drawers
- Large Storage Container w/Drawers

Now I have some suggestions about purchasing these items.  DO NOT bring your sheets, blankets, towels, etc. from home; buy new ones if possible for two reasons.  The first reason is that you don't want to have to lug these things back and forth on breaks.  The second reason is that you don't want to look silly.  I'm sorry, but appearances do often matter to most people.  Most people will be buying new things or making sure that what they bring matches.  This rule applies to your everyday toiletries as well.  Buy a new tooth brush, deodorant, shampoo, etc. so that you don't forget them when you come home on breaks.

In regards to school supplies, don't stock up on too many things at first because you never know what you'll actually need until you get your class syllabus/talk to your professor.  You shouldn't need too much stuff unless you have a really special kind of class.

I highly suggest purchasing a laptop and printer if you can because it will save a lot of stress and prevent a lot of devastating results due to procrastination.  I also suggest having a reusable water bottle with a filter for when you're thirsty at night after your dining hall has closed; Brita has these.

You shouldn't have to buy too many new clothes unless you're going to college in a different climate.  Regardless of where you go, I suggest having a winter coat, a bathing suit, and rainboots.  You never know what you may decide to do on a whim.  If you're going to a rainy climate, buy QUALITY rainboots!  Often, the cute kind you find at Target and the likes aren't properly sealed and either leak or begin to tear quickly.  I suggest L.L. Bean's rainboots:  Women's Wellies; they also come in a smaller height and you can also buy inserts for the Wintertime so that they can serve as snow shoes as well.  L.L. Bean also has a lifetime guarantee of quality.

Make sure you find out what kind of appliances come with your Residence Hall; some colleges, like mine, may have a kitchen with varying appliances on each floor.  Other colleges may have appliances in each room.  Find out what your's has before you spend money on a Mini Fridge or a Microwave!

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