May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Part of Your Body Does Your Astrological Sign Rule?

The areas in which your astrological sign rules your body is typically more sensitive than other areas and is more prone to injury.

Aries:  head; prone to headaches and injuries to the head and face
Taurus:  neck/throat; prone to colds, sore throats, and thyroid issues
Gemini:  arms/hands and shoulders; prone to straining arms and hands
Cancer:  chest and breasts; prone to emotional stress and harsh menstruation side effects
Leo:  back/spine and heart; prone to tension in the back when emotionally stressed or overly exerted
Virgo:  nervous system and tummy; prone to stress-related illness and ulcers
Libra:  lower back and butt; prone to back strain
Scorpio:  bladder and genitals; prone to UTIs and exhaustion from emotional strain
Sagittarius:  liver and hips/thighs; prone to ill-health without exercise, hepatitis, and alcohol-related issues
Capricorn:  knees and joints/bones; prone to arthritic issues/stiff joints and osteoporosis
Aquarius:  circulatory system and the shins/ankles; prone to spraining/breaking the ankle, varicose veins, and artery problems
Pisces:  feet; prone to foot aches and bunions, especially if shoes fit improperly

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Leo...point in case is this sickness right now. It is a sinus/upper respiratory thing but don't you know it is making my back and neck hurt like a bugaboo. In addition, any time I feel stress, chest pains and back aches are the first culprits to attack my system.

    Poor Scorpio!
