May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Planetary Subrulers

Each Astrological sign is divided into three parts called Decans or Decanates.  As there are twelve months on the calendar with roughly thirty days, there are twelve Astrological signs each consisting of about thirty days.  There are roughly ten days in each Decan.  Your Decan determines your planetary subruler.  If you are born in the first Decan of your Astrological sign, then your subruler is also your ruler.  All subrulers for a sign come from the rulers of signs belonging to the same element.

Decans of Aries:

March 21 - March 31
Subruler:  Mars (Aries)
Impact:  naturally aggressive, impulsive, passionate about the things you do, see tasks through, never know when to stop, excellent leader
Tendencies:  outspoken/likes to dominate a conversation

April 1 - April 10
Subruler:  Sun (Leo)
Impact:  extremely sexual, loves constant change - dissatisfied by almost everything, enjoys life as a whole
Tendencies:  always eating, complains a lot

April 11 - April 19
Subruler:  Jupiter (Sagittarius)
Impact:  extremely independent/needs freedom of restrictions, loves to learn/experience new things
Tendencies:  prone to luck, bossy

Decans of Taurus:

April 20 - April 30
Subruler:  Venus (Taurus)
Impact:  materialistic, love of beauty, typically charming, strong likes/dislikes
Tendencies:  avoids/refuses to try new things

May 1 - May 10
Subruler:  Mercury (Virgo)
Impact:  a bit reserved in nature, good at teamwork, needs personal downtime, must pace themselves, eloquent communicators
Tendencies:  forgetful of details of plans or situations, becomes frustrated when other people push them to do something before they are ready (for example, if you were to work on a project with someone born under this, they would not present you with their portion or even their ideas until they are ready to present them), bad with forced deadlines

May 11 - May 20
Subruler:  Saturn (Capricorn)
Impact:  determined, reliable, set in decisions, strong feelings, loyal, very serious
Tendencies:  take everything personally

Decans of Gemini:

May 21 - May 31
Subruler:  Mercury (Gemini)
Impact:  decisions come quick, hides struggles, lives by logic over emotion, need to express yourself and led by that
Tendencies:  worries a lot

June 1 - 10
Subruler:  Venus (Libra)
Impact:  seeks approval from others, needs people around to succeed, tries their best at things, generous, expressive of feelings
Tendencies: argumentative/unable to back down about opinions/ideas

June 11 - 20
Subruler:  Uranus (Aquarius)
Impact:  witty, outspoken, high expectations of others, only values useful things/people
Tendencies:  looks for brains before body

Decans of Cancer:

June 21 - June 30
Subruler:  Moon (Cancer)
Impact:  cannot handle conflict, fair at weighing and making decisions, sensitive
Tendencies:  notice the big picture but not the details

July 1 - July 11
Subruler:  Pluto (Scorpio)
Impact:  very fixed in opinion, practical in business but sentimental in personal affairs, deep thinker
Tendencies:  feelings/emotions cloud decision making, good luck at gathering information

July 12 - July 22
Subruler:  Neptune (Pisces)
Impact:  can handle different people effectively, loyal in relationships, always seeking to find balance (to weigh equally the pros and cons) in a situation to make the world seem like a better place
Tendencies:  avoidance of conflict, romantic

Decans of Leo:

July 23 - August 1
Subruler:  Sun (Leo)
Impact:  makes leading easy, constantly expresses and shows feelings/emotions (when upset, you look as if a cloud is raining and storming over your head)
Tendencies: draw attention to yourself (in either good or bad ways), impulsive about love, stubbornness

August 2 - August 12
Subruler:  Jupiter (Sagittarius)
Impact:  very proud, makes authority easy, cannot see personal flaws, loves mental stimulants
Tendencies:  willing to try new things, enthusiastic

August 13 - August 22
Subruler:  Mars (Aries)
Impact:  strong willed, need material praise for efforts (like a gold medal), demanding, expect perfection from others, impatient
Tendencies:  bi-polar with energy levels, can't keep a secret

Decans of Virgo:

August 23 - September 1
Subruler:  Mercury (Virgo)
Impact:  able to find the how and why of things, extremely observant, high expectations of others 
Tendencies:  worries a lot, attends to details

September 2 - September 12
Subruler:  Saturn (Capricorn)
Impact:  plans everything, self-demanding of perfection, people-pleaser, extremely stuck in opinion and will fight constantly to defend it
Tendencies:  melancholy, stressed

September 13 - September 22
Subruler:  Venus (Taurus)
Impact:  needs approval, excellent communicator, full of personality, needs independence/freedom of restrictions from others
Tendencies:  colorful in personality and in the way you present yourself or your surroundings

Decans of Libra:

September 23 - October 2
Subruler:  Venus (Libra)
Impact:  adoration of beauty and luxury, need to be impactful, need to be loved, likes to hear fresh ideas
Tendencies:  spends lots of money, bad choices of partners in relationships

October 3 - October 13
Subruler:  Uranus (Aquarius)
Impact:  original, determined, need love or at least positive social interactions
Tendencies:  independent in actions

October 14 - October 22
Subruler:  Mercury (Gemini)
Impact:  curious about the new, people typically like you, make balanced judgments and decisions, need attention, extremely intellectual
Tendencies:  follow head over heart - difficult to communicate emotions

Decans of Scorpio:

October 23 - November 1
Subruler:  Pluto (Scorpio)
Impact:  dependable, extremely committed to people, fixed opinions unless new facts change them
Tendencies:  let opportunities pass due to laziness

November 2 - November 11
Subruler:  Neptune (Pisces)
Impact:  selfless, enjoy helping others, romantic, need love
Tendencies:  extreme impatience

November 12 - 21
Subruler:  Moon (Cancer)
Impact:  enjoys teamwork, easily gains popularity, fights for fairness, somewhat awkward about emotions, moody
Tendencies:  work in public positions, have little control over your own life

Decans of Sagittarius:

November 22 - December 1
Subruler:  Jupiter (Sagittarius)
Impact:  seeks adventure, truthful, good communicator, belief in independence - hates to be tied down, hates negative emotions
Tendencies:  not totally committed in serious relationships

December 2 - December 11
Subruler:  Mars (Aries)
Impact:  disciplined, dependable, extremely independent, passively controlling, loyal, humorous
Tendencies:  always has a goal, hides emotions

December 12 - December 21
Subruler:  Sun (Leo)
Impact:  charming, enjoys new experiences and meeting new people, somewhat impulsive
Tendencies:  hides intelligence, easily fall in love but falls out of love just as easily

Decans of Capricorn:

December 22 - December 31
Subruler:  Saturn (Capricorn)
Impact:  little trust in others, determined, follow-through, cannot stand being low on any ladder, passionate in love
Tendencies:  aggressive about succeeding

January 1 - January 10
Subruler:  Venus (Taurus)
Impact:  hates wasting time, needs personal time, devoted to partner and family and friends, avoids revealing emotions
Tendencies:  likes to write letters

January 11 - January 19
Subruler:  Mercury (Virgo)
Impact:  adaptable - especially to different people, dependable, fair, respectful, determined when motivated, emotions not apparent to others
Tendencies:  finds good investments (monetarily and materially)

Decans of Aquarius:

January 20 - January 29
Subruler:  Uranus (Aquarius)
Impact:  good with people, good sense of humor, loves challenges, needs change, emotionally detached, analytical of the why
Tendencies:  logical in emotional situations

January 30 - February 8
Subruler:  Mercury (Gemini)
Impact:  very honest, witty, loves to learn, has unrealistic ideas of love
Tendencies:  talks too much

February 9 - February 18
Subruler:  Venus (Libra)
Impact:  needs people, adores beautiful things, critical, very flirtatious
Tendencies:  easily frustrated with the imperfections of other people

Decans of Pisces:

February 19 - February 29
Subruler:  Neptune (Pisces)
Impact:  expressive, cannot handle emotional distress, wound-up
Tendencies: writes, easily gets sick

March 1 - March 10
Subruler:  Moon (Cancer)
Impact:  aware of people's feelings around you, very observant, unoriginal, charming, romance and love is important
Tendencies:  inconsistently in love with a single person

March 11 - March 20
Subruler:  Pluto (Scorpio)
Impact:  imaginative, energetic, likes to discover new things, needs alone time, great communication skills, deeply emotional
Tendencies:  led by love, thinks with heart before head

1 comment:

  1. I am July 26th(Sunday), 1981(Year of Capricorn), i'm the double Leo.
