May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

T-422 minutes

Less than eight hours left until I move in to college later this morning.  Although I've been prepping my packing for WEEKS, it seems like everything has had to be re-packed, re-organized.  I have to admit that my anxiety level is WAY up and I've kind of been on my tippy-toes all day while running around in circles screaming (not literally).

Pretty much everything is packed and ready to go out to our car in approximately three hours.  I haven't quite comprehended that we're waking up at 4am and it's already 1:18am.  I still have to take a shower, unhook the printer, and finish copying all my files (I am currently copying these files, allowing me the chance to blog) onto a hard-drive so that I can later put some on my new computer, which I spent a couple hours yesterday setting up.

The most frustrating thing right now is that we have to clean out our car in the morning because we couldn't tonight due to the nasty night-time crawlers (aka bugs/spiders).  Two GIGANTIC spiders with mad creeps bodies decided to build there beautiful typical spider webs right above the stairs leading up to our apartment.  If they aren't gone in the morning, we (meaning my mother) will have to exterminate them, which is unfortunate considering they are munching on the nasty mosquitoes that are currently infesting the country.

I don't really know what else to say right now.  What a stupid way to end a blog post, I know, but I'm really tired and flustered and bored.

Oh, oh, I know what else.  I can't bring my DVDs or all my shoes tomorrow because we won't have enough room in our car :'( so sad.  My mom will have to bring them down later.  Hopefully everything else will fit.  I've had to consolidate a lot of items/their carrying items.

Also, I'm the last to leave of my friends for college (who are of that age, obviously).  AND, I don't even start classes until after Labor Day!  :D

Well, goodbye until I'm officially a college student.

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