May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ascendants in Astrology

A person's Ascendant, or Rising Sign, is determined based on where and when they were born.  You have to be very exact with this (be as specific as possible for where you were born and the date and time of your birth).  An Ascendant defines the image you project to others.  It usually creates the "first impression".  Your Ascendant plus your Sun Sign are typically what is shown in your outward personality, while your Moon Sign is more hidden.  Your Ascendant determines your most comfortable and familiar behavior, because it is the sign that was rising when you exited the womb.  Because of your familiarity and comfort within the behaviors attributed to this sign, the best possible match for you (relationship) is someone with their Sun Sign the same as your Ascendant.  If you can find someone with the Sun Sign of your Ascendant and the Ascendant of your Sun Sign, you should be perfectly compatible and comfortable around each other.  Below are characteristics of each Ascendant:

Characteristics:  adventurous, leader, dictating, egotistical, bossy, expressive, honest, straightforward, enthusiastic, doing, generous, lively, friendly/people-oriented, bold, quick to lose interest, quick tempered
Dislikes:  deception, when people don't get to the point, being overlooked
Health:  prone to accidents, such as falling down or tripping, bumping into things, paper cuts; face and head most prone to injury; avoid sharp objects
Features:  quick moving and piercing eyes, quick to smile, gold and reddish coloring to skin and hair, muscular, typically agile

Characteristics:  calm, artistic, strives for harmony, stubborn opinions, routine driven, hard worker when motivated, persistent, strong-willed, extremely materialistic, jealous, rarely forgive
Dislikes:  being asked to change, losing/breaking things, being ridiculed, rivalry
Health:  easily become overweight (especially with age)
Features:  handsome/beautiful facial features, bulbous eyes, clear skin, short neck

Characteristics:  restless, often discontented, constant feeling of not reaching potential, clear-headed, witty, manipulative, strives to be center of attention, easily unsettled, complaining, worrying, resourceful, factual rather than emotional (especially with relationships), egotistical, dramatic
Dislikes:  any sort of restriction, having nothing to do, being proven wrong
Health:  need more rest than willing to allow
Features:  quick-moving and often glistening eyes, constantly moving/fidgeting, friendly smile, grace and agility, look youthful even with age (that doesn't mean that you won't go gray and get wrinkles as quickly as anyone else)

Characteristics:  sensitive, perceptive, affectionate, adaptable, moody, impatient, snappy, easily offended, imaginative, practical, absorb your surroundings (both physically and psychologically), resourceful, prudent, cautious, self-pitying, complainer, self-assured, kind, good memory
Dislikes:  intrusive people, not being recognized for successes
Health:  tend to gain weight in the middle section of your body (especially with age)
Features:  round face, pale eyes, slender

Characteristics:  noble, benevolent, kind, easily hurt, egotistical, showy, typically lucky, not usually hard workers, good organizer, haughty, temperamental, arrogant, self-confident, humorous, fun-loving, occasionally impulsive
Dislikes:  thinking badly of others, people who aren't just like them, not being given leadership, when people are mean to children
Health:  prone to accidents when overlooked; no major problems
Features:  big head (literally), thick hair, very white and straight teeth

Characteristics:  analytical, great care for others, logical (but does not repress emotions like Virgo Sun and Moon), seek the truth, typically fixed in opinion, detail-oriented, independent, controlling, shy, observant, fussy, nervous, sarcastic
Dislikes:  when people are ignorant of their ignorance, when people don't see the importance of detail, working with others
Health:  easily become sick (improves with age)
Features:  ovular face, sweeping eyes, frail figure

Characteristics:  charming, graceful, self-conscious, conscious of society, hopeful, easily become depressed by people, easily set off balance, need fairness, lazy, lucky, impatient when completing tasks, indecisive, timid, needy of people, superficial, not strong-willed
Dislikes:  injustice, cruelty, violence, taking risks
Health:  can easily put on weight
Features:  handsome/beautiful face, symmetrical bone structure, large smile, round body shape (not necessarily overweight)

Characteristics:  intense; follow-through; seething; leader, yet independent; manipulative/persuasive; persistent; creative; resourceful; clever; cold; controlling; secretive; intuitive; observant; witty; can be cruel; regretful of their cruelty; decisive
Dislikes:  being slighted; being noticed
Health:  prone to small cuts
Features:  prominent nose, large eyes, thick/dark eyebrows, agile

Characteristics:  independent, optimistic, future-oriented, restless and sometimes anxious, impatient, fair, honest, generous, expectant, friendly, open, imaginative, clear, observational, easily become bored, extremely impulsive/reckless, wasteful, lucky
Dislikes:  restriction, injustice, selfishness, obligations
Health:  stay extremely active
Features:  broad forehead, friendly smile, body often moves extravagantly

Characteristics:  serious; cautious; noncommittal; often shy around strangers; friendly, warm, and lively with people you know; determined; constantly seek improvement on life; reliable; restless; able to focus; quick mind, overly calculating; detail-oriented; worrier; loyal; protective; generous; jealous; unforgiving; independent; patient; thrifty
Dislikes:  feeling as if you have no purpose, flaws in ideas or plans
Health:  take long walks
Features:  small head, deep eyes, nicely shaped teeth, strong feet

Characteristics:  sociable, quick-witted, lively, open, honest, optimistic, set in opinions, progressive by personal opinions, sarcastic, observational, sometimes rude, diverse, somewhat unlucky, initially adventurous, easily bored
Dislikes:  conflict, being challenged, being out of control
Health:  don't exercise too vigorously
Features:  wide forehead, good facial bone structure, eyes that seem "far away", usually tall

Characteristics:  artistic, expressive, romantic, avoid the displeasures in life, drawn to the past, sociable, need to be around happy people, talkative, easily brought to emotions, moody, worrier, disorganized, careless, creative, intuitive, indecisive, easily confused
Dislikes:  being forced to recognize reality, being alone
Health:  don't do stupid stuff - look before you leap
Features:  large, bright eyes; wavy hair

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