May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Some Cool Hairdos

My roommate at college is really good at styling hair, considering she's never been trained.  She taught herself pretty much everything she knows about styling hair.  Last semester, before going to a series of parties and events, I was lucky enough to have her do my hair.  Below are some pictures of what she came up with for my rather long hair.

Hairstyle 1

Hairstyle 2

Hairstyle 3

Hairstyle 3

Hairstyle 4

The third hairstyle also consisted of a long braid laying over my left shoulder.  There was one other hairstyle that was awesome this past semester, but for some reason we forgot to get a picture of it specifically.  It was two braids wrapped into two buns stuck to my head.  I wore my hair like that for Halloween because I was a bumblebee!

When I was in high school, I can remember it being a rare occasion to see someone in braids.  Upon observing high school students now, or at least over Winter break, it would seem that braids have become a regular hairstyle.  I would assume this is because of the Hunger Games, as that was where I got my inspiration of course.