May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Friday, December 7, 2012

Extended Health Tips for Sagittarians

Sagittarians are always on the go.  They're like cats, who if they see something dangling near them, they have to snatch it and will not stop their attempts until they have managed to snatch it.  Because of this, social media tends to cause them to overextend themselves.  If they receive an invitation to do something appealing, they are likely to accept, even if they're already exhausted from their various other activities.  Sagittarians, therefore, need to remember to turn of their phones, shut their laptops, extinguish the lights, and get some sleep.  In other words, avoid temptations by extinguishing them.

Sagittarius rules the thighs/hips and the liver; therefore, Sagittarians are especially sensitive in these areas.  Sagittarians need to have a lot of physical activity, especially involving exercises that pertain to the lower body.  As Sagittarians respond well to being outdoors, I suggest hiking, biking, and climbing as prime exercises.  Competitive sports tend to provide a great recreational and beneficial outlet for Sagittarians as well.  They are always up for a challenge.  Because Sagittarius rules the liver, Sagittarians must be extra cautious in their alcohol consumption.  They are prone to hepatitis and liver failure.  Sagittarians really would do better to avoid alcohol entirely, as it also causes them to have bad skin and weight gain.

Creamy foods, like gravies and chocolate, tend to weigh Sagittarians down.  I have found that most Sagittarians are not even fond of chocolate, so that shouldn't be a big problem to avoid.  If looking for treat-type foods, they would be better off trying something exotic (still avoiding creamy stuff); or if they just have a sweet-tooth, try some hard candy or purely sugar-based candy, like Smarties or Pixie Sticks.  I would suggest gum chewing to satiate cravings of sweets, as it provides sugar (or at least the taste of sugar) while also providing a distraction; it keeps you moving, even if it's just your mouth.  Also fried and oily foods seem to have very negative impacts of Sagittarians and should be avoided.  Caffeine seems okay, as long as consumed in moderation; one Red Bull is okay, two is not.  However, no matter what, Sagittarians need to consume a lot of water; they should be sipping off of water bottles all day.

I have also found that Sagittarians REALLY REALLY REALLY need their sleep, especially the women.  When you're tired, please take a nap!  Don't try to stay up and do something else, it can wait.  You'll be better prepared to take on a challenge, whether mental or physical, if you are well rested.

1 comment:

  1. I apply this to Miss Kim who was the only Sagittarian I was close enough to know any of this. She enjoyed the flavor of creamy, fried foods but always felt awful after eating or indulging in them. She wasn't a big sweets eater in general, although she did like chocolate but wasn't overly enthused about it like most people are. Her heart would race like crazy, causing panic attacks, when she would drink coffee. And, although not overly athletic, she was incredibly competitive. Remember how it always seemed like she was sleeping? I used to think she was avoiding engaging with the world; I guess it was just her need for sleep! Interesting!
