May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Class T-Shirts

Although we've had the tradition of class t-shirts since seventh grade at my school, I don't know where my seventh grade shirt is and I didn't buy the eighth grade one.  I do have all my shirts since ninth grade though, as the shirts become more important with Spirit Week at my school, and happily, I have remained a "medium" the whole time!  So here they are:

This is my ninth grade shirt.  Obviously, it was the Monster energy drink theme.  I think it's so appropriate for Freshman to have the saying "unleash the beast" because it's the year we were "unleashed"!  Haha.  Along with the shirt, here is a short personal anecdote!  In both seventh and eighth grade during the competitions between classes, I would be in the tug-of-war competition, but I couldn't my ninth grade year because of my broken spine issue.  So, instead, I volunteered to be in a gum chewing contest for our "Inferno", which is a "blind" competition with multiple challenges.  I didn't know what I was getting into when I volunteered.  It was a bowl of whipped cream supposedly with a piece of gum at the bottom of it; you couldn't use your hands to retrieve the gum.  I would have actually won it too, because I got down to the bottom of the bowl the quickest and realized there was nothing there almost immediately, the Juniors prepping the game rigged it by not putting gum in any of the containers except the Junior's and Senior's.  Needless to say, I was sticky the rest of the day from submerging my hair in the whipped cream.  I tasted good though!  I also began my tradition of participating in the Academic Challenge that year.  The Academic Challenge is a battle of the classes again where you are quizzed in a competition-like style with buzzers on specific subjects.  Each year I did the History/English section.  I also participated in the "Pass the Lifesaver" in the Spirit Games that year.  Never again.

Spirit Week that year consisted of a Homecoming Dance, the normal competitions (special dress-up days, the class walls, Spirit Games (where I would have played tug-of-war), the Inferno, Idol, and the Academic Challenge), and a large bonfire in which we burned a wooden figurine of the opposing team's mascot the evening before the Homecoming Game.  The bonfire was so much fun and was by far the best "bonfire" of my high school career.  After the bonfire, a group of my friends went over to one of our houses and had our own little campfire and ate s'mores.  We took lots of pictures!  One picture that ended up on my friend's camera when we uploaded them, made no sense, because in the picture, you can see her camera sitting on a chair.  I was in the picture with my eyes closed reaching for something and down below, in the fire, it looks like a woman is rising out of the fire with her hands clasped, at least that's what I see.  Someone who I've shown the picture to thought it looked more like a unicorn.  You decide, it's zoomed in on the "woman" in the picture above.

Also, Freshman came in third place, but I might as well mention that the games are rigged with the Seniors already getting an unfair advantage with Senior Hat Day, because only Seniors are allowed to wear hats, and the Powderpuff Football Game, which only gives Juniors and Seniors the ability to gain points.  Though, only Seniors can win that anyway...

Here is my Sophomore shirt, and by far my absolute favorite!  It's the Mayan Calendar on the front with "SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST" on the back.  I think it's so funny and clever!  

Sophomore year, I participated in the Spirit Games in the "pie" eating contest.  Which is a whipped cream and cherry sauce pie with pieces of gum mushed up.  You have to pick up enough gum to be able to blow a bubble.  But, because the games are rigged, once again, I came in first, but the judge decided to ignore me and give the win to the Seniors who came next.  Sophomores are rigged to lose Spirit Week, so of course we lost (came in fourth) that year.

I was/am very upset about our shirt choice Junior year, especially since I don't watch the show.  Obviously, our shirts were after Jersey Shore.  Such a stupid show.  It shouldn't exist.  I wanted us to be Junior Mints!  It was funny though, with the quote we chose, "WE GOT A SITUATION", because some of the boys cut out a hole in their shirts to show their "situations".  And technically, on another note, we won Powderpuff, though the Seniors cheated.  So typical.

Again, like Freshman and Sophomore years, I participated in the Academic Challenge.  I also helped create the Junior Wall, which is a design based on a theme; our theme was lacrosse, as the overall theme was sports.  To the side is a picture of our loveliness, which was much better than this year's!  It's obviously the middle section of the picture with the quote, "Juniors".

I was very let down with our Senior t-shirts, this year.  The back was fine, but the color was all wrong and the "Seniors" is just pathetic.  It's supposed to be every other year that changes between blue and white shirts.  Last year's Seniors had white shirts with blue writing, so we were supposed to have blue ones with white writing.

We didn't have a Homecoming Dance this year, which was disappointing because I bought a dress.  Instead of wearing it to Homecoming, I'm wearing it for my graduation party.  I yet again competed in the Academic Challenge, but I had to film for my Mulitmedia class, so I didn't compete in anything else.  We won Powderpuff, and for real!  Yay!  I also helped with our class wall, but it was just pathetic.  To the left, there is a very blurry picture of it.

Well, there are all my class shirts.  They are certainly worthy of note.

1 comment:

  1. 'twas indeed. and it is totes stupid that we don't get to vote.
