May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cover the Night: Kony 2012

I did not participate in Cover the Night mostly because I didn't want to buy a box and partly because I didn't want to get in trouble.  The evening of April 20, 2012, I went down to my college for next year just because my mom and I were totes bored.  We drove around the little town and then toured (in our car) some other college campuses fairly near by and some not as near.  We also stopped for some brief shopping on our way back home.  When we finally arrived back in our town, driving down the main road of our neighborhood, I spotted a Kony 2012 sign attached to a mailbox.  I don't know if that's a legal place for it or not, but I was suddenly reminded that it was Cover the Night.  That was the only sign we found on our way home.

The next day, while driving around, we noticed more signs.  Tied around trees, posted on signs, etc.  But, overall, there weren't very many up.  Definitely a fail in my neighborhood, but not a total one.  They are still noticeable, and a few are still up.


  1. It didn't manage to stay on the mailbox for very was off by morning. My guess is that it is a federal offense. And, this Republican community of ultra-conservativism and lacking of worry about anything that doesn't touch their pocketbooks does not surprise me in its lack of participation.

  2. Problem is just that, though, the government isn't wanting to help. And, anything that is humanitarian in nature should begin with people (not an organized, elected group) in general doing something about it. My biggest problem with society isn't so much that we don't recognize issues; it's more that we don't seem to think we should be bothered with the involvement to a be a part of fixing it. Humanitarianism does not equal government involvement by definition. It is the responsibility we have to one another; and, if electing people who we believe will take care of that business is our voice only, we are deluded to think that is all it takes. We have to follow through and show the importance. Just my too cents!
