May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Extended Health Tips for Aquarians

I have to start by saying that I don't know a lot about Aquarians in regards to health.  Although I've met a fair amount of them, I don't know a lot of them very well.  Therefore, this post is going off of the very few (comparatively to the other signs) observations I have made and what has been said in my handy astrology book "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" by Joanna Martine Woolfolk.

Most Aquarians I know, both male and female, have a great propensity to put on weight; although, I have met some Aquarians that put most people to shame in how healthy they are, but they work-out like maniacs.  I know a lot of Aquarians of both sexes and all age ranges who choose to eat badly even when they have a healthier choice around them.  Even those I know who are work-out maniacs will take a candy bar if offered to them.  Therefore, I suggest to put in some willpower in choosing the healthier options, Aquarians!

Aquarians are often stuck in their heads (not like Pisces people who are essentially in lalaland in their heads, but rather mentally stimulated with their thoughts, even if they can be sometimes silly ones).  This can be great for producing the world's great innovators, but it's contributive to why they tend to snack on bad things and are not necessarily conscience of what it's doing to them.  They ignore the outer.

As it is, Aquarians are prone to circulatory problems, as that is one of the aspects of the body that Aquarius rules.  Therefore, Aquarians need to be conscientious about their health.  Aquarians are also therefore prone to things like varicose veins, so making sure they get enough movement and exercise in especially their legs is important.  Aquarians should spend at least an hour each day in constant movement that benefits cardiovascular health, like speed walking or even light jogging.  Biking would be another way as well.  These activities should be done solitarily (SP) because it also gives them the time they need to be alone in their heads.

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