May Day 2011

May Day 2011

Friday, July 27, 2012

Health Tips for Leos

- try daily yoga
- Pooh Bear's exercises is a prime example of what a Leo should do every morning
- try weightlifting, but keep the weights to a minimum

- as you age, avoid fatty foods
- eat lots of nuts
- iron is essential, try lean red meats, spinach, and other greens
- eat fruit daily; the more fruit, the better

- avoid heavy lifting
- retain good posture
- spend time in the sun each day

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Pooh Bear exercises! "When I up down touch the ground, puts me in the mood. Up down touch the the mood!" Honey isn't a fatty food :) But it is a form of sugar...which turns to fat if not burned off...which becomes harder to do as we age... :(

    Daily yoga, I wish! I need to follow this advice!
